Ausbildung & Publikationen PD Dr. med. dent Anja Zembic
Curriculum Vitae Anja Zembic, DMD, PD Dr. med. dent., PhD
Specialist for Reconstructive Dentistry SSO / SSRD
European Prosthodontic Association Recognised Specialist EPA
Present position
2019- Owner private practice in Winterthur, Switzerland
1993 – 1999 Studies in General Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tübingen, Germany
1999 State examination and Diploma for Dentist (med. dent.), University of Tübingen, Germany
2004 „doctor medicinae dentium“ (, (magna cum laude), University of Tübingen, Germany
2014 Specialist for reconstructive dentistry SSO/SSRD
2016 Venia Legendi (Privatdozent) for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Material Science and Reconstructive dentistry, University of Zürich
2016 Recognition as specialist in the European Prosthodontic Association
2019 Defense of PhD thesis and award as PhD ('Doctor of Philosophy')
Professional Activities
2000 – 2002 Associate in a private practice in Germany (Dr. E. Fessler, Frickenhausen)
2002 - 2003 Postgraduate student at the Clinic for Oral Surgery, Department of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Chairman: Prof. Dr. Dr. K.W. Grätz)
2003 - 2005 Associate in a private practice Switzerland (Swiss Dental Center, Zurich)
2004 -2006 Research Fellow at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Material Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Chairman: Prof. Dr. C.H.F. Hämmerle)
2006 Associate in two private practices in Switzerland (A. Dubiel, Fehraltorf; Dr. O. Kalkstein, Affoltern a. Albis)
2006 – 2009 Postgraduate student at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Material Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Chairman: Prof. Dr. C.H.F. Hämmerle)
2009 – 2010 ITI Scholar at the Department of Oral Implantology and Prosthetic Dentistry, Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), The Netherlands
2010-2012 Clinical researcher and associate at the Department of Oral Implantology and Prosthetic Dentistry, Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), The Netherlands
2012-2014 Senior teaching and research assistant at the School of Dental Medicine, Division of Fixed Prosthodontics, University of Bern (ZMK Bern), Switzerland
2014-2019 Senior teaching and research assistant at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Material Science, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Chairman: Prof. Dr. C.H.F. Hämmerle)
2014-2019 Associate in private practice in Switzerland (Zahnmedizin Zürich Nord, U. Brodbeck, Zurich)
Membership in Professional and Scientific Organizations
Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry (SSRD)
Fellow of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) since 2012
Swiss Dental Association (SSO)
European Prosthodontic Association (EPA)
Publikationen und Forschungsarbeiten:
1. Zembic, A., Tahmaseb, A., Jung, R.E., Wiedemeier, D., Wismeijer, D.
Patient-reported outcomes of maxillary edentulous patients wearing overdentures retained by 2 implants from insertion to 4 years.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants accepted for publication 2018.
2. Morton, D., Gallucci, G., Lin, W.S., Pjetursson, B., Polido, W., Roehling, S., Sailer, I., Aghaloo, T., Albera, H., Bohner, L., Braut, V., Buser, D., Chen, S., Dawson, A., Eckert, S., Gahlert, M., Hamilton, A., Jaffin, R., Jarry, C., Karayazgan, B., Laine, J., Martin, W., Rahman, L., Schlegel, A., Shiota, M., Stilwell, C., Vorster, C., Zembic, A., Zhou, W.
Group 2 ITI Consensus Report: Prosthodontics and implant dentistry.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2018: 29 Suppl 16: 215-223.
3. Pjetursson, B.E., Zarauz, C., Strasding, M., Sailer, I., Zwahlen, M., Zembic, A.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2018: 29 Suppl 18: 160-183.
4. Zembic, A., Tahmaseb, A., Jung, R.E., Wismeijer, D.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2017: 28(7): e60-e67.
5. Zembic, A.
Externally Connected Zirconia Abutments with Standard Platform are Successful Long Term in Anterior Regions.
Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice 2016;16(2):130-2.
6. Zembic, A., Philipp, A.O.H., Hämmerle, C.H.F., Wohlwend, A., Sailer, I.
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2015: 17 Suppl2: e417-26.
7. Zembic, A., Tahmaseb, A., Wismeijer, D.
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2015; 17(3): 570-9.
8. Zembic, A., Kim, S., Kelly, J.R.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2014; 29 Suppl: 99-116.
9. Wismeijer D, Bragger U, Evans C, Kapos T, Kelly R, Millen C, Wittneben J, Zembic A, Taylor TD.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2014; 29 Suppl: 137-140.
10. Zembic, A., Wismeijer, D.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2014; 25(4): 441-50.
11. Khraisat, A., Zembic, A., Jung, R.E., Hämmerle, C.H.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2013; 28(2): 550-5.
12. Zembic, A., Bösch, A., Jung, R.E., Hämmerle, C.H.F., Sailer, I.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2013; 24(4): 384-90.
13. Jung, R.E., Zembic, A., Pjetursson, B.J., Zwahlen, M., Thoma, D.S.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2012; 23 Suppl 6: 2-21.
14. Pjetursson, B.E., Thoma, D., Jung, R., Zwahlen, M., Zembic, A.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2012; 23 Suppl 6: 22-38.
15. Zembic, A., Johannesen, L.H., Schou, S., L.H., Malo, P., Reichert, T., Farella, M., Hämmerle, C.H.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2012; 23(1): 49-54.
16. Zembic, A., Glauser, R., Khraisat, A., Hämmerle, C.H.F.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2010; 21(5): 481-489.
17. Silva, N.R.F.A, Sailer, I., Zhang, Y., Coelho, P.G., Guess, P., Zembic, A., Kohal, R.J.
Performance of zirconia for dental healthcare.
Materials 2010; 2: 863-896.
18. Sailer, I., Philipp, A., Zembic, A., Pjetursson, B.E., Hämmerle, C.H.F., Zwahlen, M.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2009; 20(4): 4-31.
19. Zembic, A., Sailer, I., Jung, R.E., Hämmerle, C.H.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2009; 20(8): 802-8.
20. Sailer, I., Zembic, A., Jung, R.E., Siegenthaler, D., Holderegger, C., Hämmerle, C.H.F.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2009; 20(3): 219-225.
21. Jung, R.E., Pjetursson, B.E., Glauser, R., Zembic, A., Zwahlen, M., Lang, N.P.
Clinical Oral Implants Research 2008; 19(2): 119-30.
22. Glauser, R., Zembic, A., Ruhstaller, P., Windisch, S.
Five-year results of implants with an oxidized surface placed predominantly in soft quality bone and subjected to immediate occlusal loading.
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2007; 97(6 Suppl): S59-68.
23. Sailer, I., Zembic, A., Jung, R.E., Hämmerle, C.H., Mattiola, A.
European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry 2007; 2(3): 296-310.
24. Glauser, R., Zembic, A., Hämmerle, C.H.
A systematic review of marginal soft tissue at implants subjected to immediate loading or immediate restoration. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2006; 17 Suppl 2: 82-92.
25. Glauser, R., Ruhstaller, P., Windisch, S., Zembic, A., Lundgren, A., Gottlow, J., Hämmerle, C.H.
Immediate occlusal loading of Branemark System TiUnite implants placed predominantly in soft bone: 4-year results of a prospective clinical study. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2005; 7 Suppl 1: S52-9.
Weitere Veröffentlichungen
1. Zembic, A., Happe, A.
Implantatabutments (Buchbeitrag)
Erfolg mit Implantaten in der ästhetischen Zone
Quintessence Publishing, Berlin, Barcelona, Chicago, Istanbul, London, Mailand, Mexiko-Stadt, Moskau, Paris, Prag, Seoul, Tokio, Warschau, Kapitel 11, S. 336-351, 2018
2. Zembic, A.
Different Implant-Abutment Interfaces – Overview and Clinical Implications.
Forum Implantologicum, 14 (1): 37-42, 2018
3. Altorfer-Sigrist, C., Zembic, A.
Das Prophylaxe Zentrum Zürich im Fokus.
Prophylaxe Impuls, 22 (1): 30-35, 2018
4. Zembic, A.
Praemolar, 1: 20-23, 2017
5. Zembic, A.
Folgeerscheinungen von Piercings in der Mundhöhle.
Praemolar, 3: 12-17, 2016
6. Zembic, A.
Der zahnlose Patient- herausnehmbare Behandlungsoptionen.
Quintessenz Zahntechnik, 40(6): 702-711, 2014
7. Zembic, A., Fehmer, V., Sailer, I.
Prothetische Versorgungsmöglichkeit nach Zahntrauma mittels Klebebrücke.
Informationen aus Orthodontie & Kieferorthopädie Thieme, Ausgabe 02, Volume 46, 2014
8. Zembic, A.
Eingliederung der Rekonstruktion, Kapitel 14, S. 83-89, Skript Kronen-/Brückenprothetik, Universität Bern, 2013
9. Zembic, A.
Rohbrandeinprobe, Kapitel 13, S. 79-82, Skript Kronen-/Brückenprothetik, Universität Bern, 2013
10. Zembic, A.
Farbbestimmung, Kapitel 12, S. 75-78, Skript Kronen-/Brückenprothetik, Universität Bern, 2013
11. Zembic, A.
From the mountains to the lowlands – my ITI scholarship year in Amsterdam. Forum Implantologicum 2011 Vol 6 issue 2
12. Mitarbeit Buchartikel “Posterior Implant Restorations” (Hauptautor: R.E. Jung), in: Lindhe, J. & Lang, N.P., eds. Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 6th Edition, Blackwell Munksgaard, 2015
13. Zembic, A.
2nd EAO Consensus Conference February 19-22th 2009, Pfäffikon, Switzerland. EAO Newsletter Spring Edition 2009
14. Zembic, A.
E-Learning: die Zukunft ist schon Gegenwart. Dentarena 3/07, Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO, 2007
15. Zembic, A.
Die 32. IDS (Internationale Dental Schau) in Köln 2007. Dentarena 2/07, Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO, 2007
16. Zembic, A.
Interview mit Professor Thomas Attin. Dentarena 3/06, Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO, 2006
17. Zembic, A.
Das ITI Stipendium- Eine Möglichkeit des Wissensaustausches mit Kollegen aus dem Ausland. Dentarena 3/06, Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO, 2006
18. Zembic, A.
Professor Peltomäki: Das neue Gesicht der Kieferorthopädie. Dentarena 2/06, Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO, 2006
19. Zembic, A.
Angst vor der Spritze- muss das sein? Dentarena 2/06, Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO, 2006
20. Zembic, A.
Dentarena hat ein Gesicht. Gespräch mit Fr. Dr. med. dent. Frauke Berres, Spezialistin SSO für Parodontologie. Dentarena 1/06, Schweizerische Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft SSO, 2006
21. Zembic, A.
Nobel Biocare World Conference. Schweizerische Monatsschrift Zahnmedizin, Vol. 115: 8/2005
22. Mitarbeit Skripte “Orale Implantologie” und “Dentale Keramiken, Aktuelle Schwerpunkte für die Klinik”, Klinik für Kronen- und Brückenprothetik, Teilprothetik und zahnärztliche Materialkunde, Zentrum für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde der Universität Zürich, inka Druck AG, Zürich 2005